lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

Metabolism is a constant process that begins when we are conceived and ends when we die. It is a vital process for all life forms, not just humans. Living organisms must accomplish to major functions in order to survive: they have to extract energy from nutrients in forms that they can use immediately or in the future, they have to use nutrients to make building blocks for synthesizing all of the molecules needed to carry out their life functions. If metabolism stops a living thing dies.



It depends in the use of energy in food if it is fast or slow.

It is measured in calories.

The number of calories needed each day varies from person to person and depends on body, mass, age, sex and level of activity. In general males need more calories than females.
If you eat fewer calories than your body can metabolize, you will use some of the energy stored in body fat and lose weigth.

If you eat more calories than your body can metabolize, you will store the extra energy as body fat and gain weight.

Active people need more calories than inactive.

10 comentarios:

metalife dijo...

Sabia que dependia en varias cosas pero no sabia exactamente de cuales, es muy interesante que depende en el uso de energia adquirida de la comida!

Anónimo dijo...

Es muy interesante eso porque yo soy una persona que me cuido mucho y siempre trato de balancear mi alimentacion junto con el ejercicio, pero ahora se que si tengo una alimentación balanceada y me mantengo activa voy a poder quemar la grasa que mi cuerpo no necesita y que solo esta de más.

Anónimo dijo...

Catabolism is the set of metabolic processes that break down large molecules.

Anabolism is the set of constructive metabolic processes where the energy released by catabolism is used to synthesize complex molecules.

Anónimo dijo...

Su información es muy interesante, aprendí cosas que puedo aplicar a mi vida diaria

rubí reyes dijo...

wow, this page is incredible, the information is very useful, and do you guys know that eat an apple after any eat helps you're metabolism

atzhiiri dijo...

niñas gracias por la informacion, si la hacen de maestras ehhh!
ahora se que necesito para tener un buen funcionamiento de metabolismo! las quiero

tesy dijo...

esta super bien hecho niñas! congrats :) hasta me ayuda para biologia :P

Anónimo dijo...

thanks girls that page help me so much
because tomorrow i have a biology exam and help me so much becouse with only read this page i study

Anónimo dijo...

ccccccuuuuuuuuanta informacion tan buena
hoy ya aprendi algo new


My husband was diagnosed with systemic mastocytosis last year and did go to the NIH and see Dr. Robyn twice. He had already had the bone marrow biopsy and aspiration, as well as the tryptase level test. Basically, they did some blood work there and took extensive medical history from my husband. They told us to go home and our local physician could follow up with him as well as anyone could since there are really no specialist doctors to see locally. They said if there were changes to follow up in about a year. He did go back about a month ago and found out that Dr. Robyn was going to leave. We made a research on local herbal medicine and we found out there is a cure with natural herbs and roots medicine.Of Dr James the great herbal doctor from west Africa, on how he uses his herbal medicine to cure several diseases like SHINGLES,WARTS, HERPES,CANCER,HEPATITIS,DIABETES HIV/AIDS,AND MASTOCYTOSIS,and we proceeded and contacted him on his email he said he will help us. 2 days later you told us the herbal medicine is ready and he sent it to us.After 3 weeks of the usage as he prescribed to us.believe me my husband was truly cured of Mastocytosis.You can reach the Herbal Doctor on